
in package

This class embodies a connection to your Prismic repository's API.

Initialize it with Prismic::Api::get(), and use your Prismic::Api::form() to make API calls (read more in the kit's README file)

Table of Contents

EXPERIMENTS_COOKIE  = "io.prismic.experiment"
Name of the cookie that will be used to remember the experiment reference
PREVIEW_COOKIE  = "io.prismic.preview"
Name of the cookie that will be used to remember the preview reference
VERSION  = "5.0.0"
Kit version number
$accessToken  : string|null
The API's access token to be used with each API call
$data  : ApiData
An instance of ApiData containing information about types, tags and refs etc
$cache  : CacheInterface
The cache instance
$httpClient  : ClientInterface
Guzzle HTTP Client
bookmark()  : string|null
From a bookmark name, returns the ID of the attached document.
bookmarks()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the list of all bookmarks on the repository. If you're looking for a document from it's bookmark name, you should use the bookmark() function.
defaultCache()  : CacheInterface
Use the APCu cache if APCu is activated on the server, otherwise fallback to the noop cache (no cache)
form()  : SearchForm
Returns the form of type Prismic::SearchForm based on its name.
get()  : static
This is the factory method with which to retrieve your API client instance
getByID()  : stdClass|null
Search a document by its id
getByIDs()  : stdClass
Return a set of document from their ids
getByUID()  : stdClass|null
Search a document by its uid
getCache()  : CacheInterface
Accessing the cache object specifying how to store the cache
getData()  : ApiData
Accessing raw data returned by the /api endpoint
getExperiments()  : Experiments
getHttpClient()  : ClientInterface
Accessing the underlying Guzzle HTTP client
getRefFromLabel()  : Ref|null
Return the ref identified by the given label
getSingle()  : stdClass|null
Get a single typed document by its type
inExperiment()  : bool
Whether the current ref in use is an experiment
inPreview()  : bool
Whether the current ref in use is a preview, i.e. the user is in preview mode
master()  : Ref
Returns the master ref repository: the ref which is to be used to query content that is live right now.
oauthInitiateEndpoint()  : string
Return the URL of the endpoint to initiate OAuth authentication.
oauthTokenEndpoint()  : string
Return the URL of the endpoint to use OAuth authentication.
previewSession()  : string
Return the URL to display a given preview
query()  : stdClass
Shortcut to query on the default reference.
queryFirst()  : stdClass|null
Return the first document matching the query Use the reference from previews or experiment cookie, fallback to the master reference otherwise.
ref()  : string
Return the ref currently in use
refs()  : array<string|int, Ref>
Returns all of the repository's references (queryable points in time)
submit()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Submit several requests in parallel
__construct()  : mixed
getExperimentRef()  : string|null
If an experiment cookie is set, return the ref as determined by \Prismic\Experiments::refFromCookie
getPreviewRef()  : string|null
If a preview cookie is set, return the ref stored in that cookie
prepareDefaultQueryOptions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Given an options array for a query, fill the lang parameter with a default value


Name of the cookie that will be used to remember the experiment reference

public mixed EXPERIMENTS_COOKIE = "io.prismic.experiment"

Name of the cookie that will be used to remember the preview reference

public mixed PREVIEW_COOKIE = "io.prismic.preview"


Kit version number

public mixed VERSION = "5.0.0"



The API's access token to be used with each API call

protected string|null $accessToken


An instance of ApiData containing information about types, tags and refs etc

protected ApiData $data


Guzzle HTTP Client

private ClientInterface $httpClient



From a bookmark name, returns the ID of the attached document.

public bookmark(string $name) : string|null

You can then use this ID for anything, for instance to query with a predicate that looks like this [:d = at(, "abcdefghijkl")]. Most starter projects embed a helper to query a document from their ID string, which makes this even easier.

$name : string

the bookmark name to use

Return values

the ID string for a given bookmark name


Returns the list of all bookmarks on the repository. If you're looking for a document from it's bookmark name, you should use the bookmark() function.

public bookmarks() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

the array of bookmarks


Use the APCu cache if APCu is activated on the server, otherwise fallback to the noop cache (no cache)

public static defaultCache() : CacheInterface
Return values


Returns the form of type Prismic::SearchForm based on its name.

public form(string $formName) : SearchForm

The intended syntax of a call is: api->form('everything')->query(query)->ref(ref)->submit(). Learn more about those keywords in Prismic's documentation on our developers' portal.

$formName : string
Return values


This is the factory method with which to retrieve your API client instance

public static get(string $action[, string $accessToken = null ][, ClientInterface $httpClient = null ][, CacheInterface $cache = null ][, int $apiCacheTTL = 5 ]) : static

If your API is set to "public" or "open", you can instantiate your Api object just like this: Api::get('')

$action : string

The URL of your repository API's endpoint

$accessToken : string = null

A permanent access token to use if your repository API is set to private

$httpClient : ClientInterface = null

Custom Guzzle http client

$cache : CacheInterface = null

Cache implementation

$apiCacheTTL : int = 5

Max time to keep the API object in cache (in seconds)

Return values


Search a document by its id

public getByID(string $id[, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : stdClass|null
$id : string

the requested id

$options : array<string|int, mixed> = []

query options: pageSize, orderings, etc.

Return values

the resulting document (null if no match)


Return a set of document from their ids

public getByIDs(array<string|int, mixed> $ids[, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : stdClass
$ids : array<string|int, mixed>

array of strings, the requested ids

$options : array<string|int, mixed> = []

query options: pageSize, orderings, etc.

Return values

the response, including documents and pagination information


Search a document by its uid

public getByUID(string $type, string $uid[, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : stdClass|null
$type : string

the custom type of the requested document

$uid : string

the requested uid

$options : array<string|int, mixed> = []

query options: pageSize, orderings, etc.

Return values

the resulting document (null if no match)


Accessing raw data returned by the /api endpoint

public getData() : ApiData
Return values


Accessing the underlying Guzzle HTTP client

public getHttpClient() : ClientInterface
Return values


Return the ref identified by the given label

public getRefFromLabel(string $label) : Ref|null
$label : string

The label of the requested ref

Return values

a reference or null


Get a single typed document by its type

public getSingle(string $type[, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : stdClass|null
$type : string

the custom type of the requested document

$options : array<string|int, mixed> = []

query options: pageSize, orderings, etc.

Return values

the resulting document (null if no match)


Whether the current ref in use is an experiment

public inExperiment() : bool
Return values


Whether the current ref in use is a preview, i.e. the user is in preview mode

public inPreview() : bool
Return values


Returns the master ref repository: the ref which is to be used to query content that is live right now.

public master() : Ref
Return values

the master ref


Return the URL of the endpoint to initiate OAuth authentication.

public oauthInitiateEndpoint() : string
Return values


Return the URL of the endpoint to use OAuth authentication.

public oauthTokenEndpoint() : string
Return values


Return the URL to display a given preview

public previewSession(string $token, LinkResolver $linkResolver, string $defaultUrl) : string
$token : string

as received from Prismic server to identify the content to preview

$linkResolver : LinkResolver

the link resolver to build URL for your site

$defaultUrl : string

the URL to default to return if the preview doesn't correspond to a document (usually the home page of your site)

Return values

the URL you should redirect the user to preview the requested change


Shortcut to query on the default reference.

public query(string|array<string|int, mixed>|Predicate $q[, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : stdClass

Use the reference from previews or experiment cookie, fallback to the master reference otherwise.

$q : string|array<string|int, mixed>|Predicate

the query, as a string, predicate or array of predicates

$options : array<string|int, mixed> = []

query options: pageSize, orderings, etc.

Return values


Return the first document matching the query Use the reference from previews or experiment cookie, fallback to the master reference otherwise.

public queryFirst(string|array<string|int, mixed>|Predicate $q[, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : stdClass|null
$q : string|array<string|int, mixed>|Predicate

the query, as a string, predicate or array of predicates

$options : array<string|int, mixed> = []

query options: pageSize, orderings, etc.

Return values

the resulting document, or null


Return the ref currently in use

public ref() : string

In order of preference, returns the preview cookie, the experiments cookie or the master ref otherwise

Return values


Returns all of the repository's references (queryable points in time)

public refs() : array<string|int, Ref>
Return values
array<string|int, Ref>


Submit several requests in parallel

public submit() : array<string|int, mixed>

Discover the use-case for this method and either refactor it or remove it

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


private __construct(ApiData $data[, string|null $accessToken = null ][, ClientInterface|null $httpClient = null ][, CacheInterface|null $cache = null ]) : mixed
$data : ApiData
$accessToken : string|null = null
$httpClient : ClientInterface|null = null
$cache : CacheInterface|null = null
Return values


If an experiment cookie is set, return the ref as determined by \Prismic\Experiments::refFromCookie

private getExperimentRef() : string|null
Return values


If a preview cookie is set, return the ref stored in that cookie

private getPreviewRef() : string|null
Return values


Given an options array for a query, fill the lang parameter with a default value

private prepareDefaultQueryOptions(array<string|int, mixed> $options) : array<string|int, mixed>
$options : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Search results